
Leave Comments on Other Sites with a Backlink to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website

Do you often give comments on other blogs? Commenting on other sites, forums, and blogs is actually quite effective in generating a lot of traffic. In fact, even if you don't write on your own blog, you can derive a lot of benefits just by commenting and putting your backlink on the blogs of others.

But why are comments essential?

Basically, comments let you reach out to people on a more personal level because through comments, you'll be able to reveal a glimpse of your personality. Unfortunately though, a lot of other people have the same idea you do. In line with this, here are some suggestions that will help you get the best out of commenting from other peoples blogs.

1. Comment early. In order for you to stand out from the rest, you need to get in before others. Visitors will always see the first comment on the site but they won't necessarily see the last. Be sure to add value to the site content though so that the author and the visitor will appreciate your comments.

2. Give an example. You need to add value to the post, you can do this by giving an example that will stress their point and make it easier for their readers to understand. By doing this and adding your backlink, visitors will also be more likely to visit your site because they want to know more about the things you can share.

3. Extend the discussion. You can add a point that the writer might have failed to notice. People will see that your post is worthwhile because of this.

4. Disagree. You can stand out by disagreeing with the author and other people who had commented on the post. But remember to always respectfully disagree because arguing can just get you in trouble.

5. Write with some feelings. More than half of the comments found in blogs seem to be written by unfeeling robots because of the mechanical approach they use. Putting some feelings and passion to your comments will make people curious about the person behind the post and thus, they will click on your link.

6. Use humor. You can improve your traffic significantly by making other people laugh. People appreciate someone with a sense of humor whether online or offline and you can take advantage of this.

7. Ask questions. Most of the time, comments with questions are the ones that get the most response from visitors compared to all other comments.

Web Content Writing to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website

How to Use Web Content Writing to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website? Search engines are all about content so what better way to increase the number of traffic to your website than by providing high quality content writing that is relevant to the needs of the internet searchers. But article writing is the challenge that most webmasters face.

However, if this is the case for you then you need not worry. There are various ghost writers on the internet who can write these articles for you; you can have exclusive rights for it and even put your name on it if you wish.

There are some rules you need to follow when you want to have content on your website that is suitable for search engine optimization purposes. For example, you need to research about the keywords that most people type on search engines. Then you'll need to integrate these keywords in the article itself but there is an ideal keyword density required.

You should never try to fool search engines by spamming the article with keywords because your site will only get penalized. Instead, you should place the keywords in well-placed positions within the article such as the first and the last paragraphs.

Aside from writing great content for your website though, there are many other uses for your articles. You can submit these articles to various article directories and ezines so that a greater number of people can view them.

These tools also offer a resource box at the end of the article; you can put your name as well as your website there. Inevitably, this will increase your site traffic especially if the visitor is interested in learning more about the topic.

Content articles will also improve your link popularity. When other webmasters see that your site is doing well because of the kind of content you have, they will be encouraged to link to you. Right now, getting relevant links will also increase your search engine ranking because of your improved page rank.

In addition, content writing has the potential to stay forever on the internet and generate a lot of traffic as well as revenue for you. So the key to driving a lot of traffic to your website is through creating quality articles that have timeless information.

Imagine generating passive revenue ten years down the road because of the effort you put into creating content articles today. There are certainly many benefits you can derive from having quality content, it is no wonder then that internet experts always emphasize that content is king.

How to Use SEO to Drive Traffic to a Website

SEO is crucial part for you? It is undeniable that SEO is a crucial part of marketing your website over the internet. Every online business owner has to conduct one form of SEO strategy or another to be able to attract traffic to the website. But implementing effective SEO strategies is not that simple because there are a variety of elements that search engines look into before they rank your page at the top. In line with this, here are some simple tips to use SEO as a tool to drive traffic to your site:

1. Don't use trickery. Try to avoid tricking the search engines to make your site rank high. Search engines today are becoming more sophisticated and it will penalize any website that tries to fool it.

2. Avoid using too much flash navigation. While flash may look good on the website; it is impossible for search engines to spider it to know what the content is all about.

3. Always remember the phrase content is king. It is in the search engines best interest to provide relevant information to the searchers. In line with this, it is important for you to provide the kind of content that people are interested in. Don't spam your content with keywords though; make sure that the searchers will benefit from your site as well.

4. Get other sites to link to you. Getting back links to your website will automatically improve your search engine ranking. Take note that search engines frown upon link farm services though because they will put your links with sites that are not relevant to yours.

5. Try to avoid using JavaScript navigation. Search engines cannot understand any of the content that is inside JavaScript. If all your page links are there, you will surely want search engines to find them.

6. Use Google site map. A great way for spiders to get as much information from your site as possible is through site maps. Using Google's own site map is advantageous because it meets all of Google's specifications.

7. Title tags are very effective. This lets search engines know what the texts on your site are all about. Basically, these are the tool tips that appear when you put your pointer on the links on the page.

8. Don't use duplicate content. Never use content that is used on other websites because this can make Google move your site to a supplemental listing which is basically their secondary database.