
Leave Comments on Other Sites with a Backlink to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website

Do you often give comments on other blogs? Commenting on other sites, forums, and blogs is actually quite effective in generating a lot of traffic. In fact, even if you don't write on your own blog, you can derive a lot of benefits just by commenting and putting your backlink on the blogs of others.

But why are comments essential?

Basically, comments let you reach out to people on a more personal level because through comments, you'll be able to reveal a glimpse of your personality. Unfortunately though, a lot of other people have the same idea you do. In line with this, here are some suggestions that will help you get the best out of commenting from other peoples blogs.

1. Comment early. In order for you to stand out from the rest, you need to get in before others. Visitors will always see the first comment on the site but they won't necessarily see the last. Be sure to add value to the site content though so that the author and the visitor will appreciate your comments.

2. Give an example. You need to add value to the post, you can do this by giving an example that will stress their point and make it easier for their readers to understand. By doing this and adding your backlink, visitors will also be more likely to visit your site because they want to know more about the things you can share.

3. Extend the discussion. You can add a point that the writer might have failed to notice. People will see that your post is worthwhile because of this.

4. Disagree. You can stand out by disagreeing with the author and other people who had commented on the post. But remember to always respectfully disagree because arguing can just get you in trouble.

5. Write with some feelings. More than half of the comments found in blogs seem to be written by unfeeling robots because of the mechanical approach they use. Putting some feelings and passion to your comments will make people curious about the person behind the post and thus, they will click on your link.

6. Use humor. You can improve your traffic significantly by making other people laugh. People appreciate someone with a sense of humor whether online or offline and you can take advantage of this.

7. Ask questions. Most of the time, comments with questions are the ones that get the most response from visitors compared to all other comments.

Web Content Writing to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website

How to Use Web Content Writing to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website? Search engines are all about content so what better way to increase the number of traffic to your website than by providing high quality content writing that is relevant to the needs of the internet searchers. But article writing is the challenge that most webmasters face.

However, if this is the case for you then you need not worry. There are various ghost writers on the internet who can write these articles for you; you can have exclusive rights for it and even put your name on it if you wish.

There are some rules you need to follow when you want to have content on your website that is suitable for search engine optimization purposes. For example, you need to research about the keywords that most people type on search engines. Then you'll need to integrate these keywords in the article itself but there is an ideal keyword density required.

You should never try to fool search engines by spamming the article with keywords because your site will only get penalized. Instead, you should place the keywords in well-placed positions within the article such as the first and the last paragraphs.

Aside from writing great content for your website though, there are many other uses for your articles. You can submit these articles to various article directories and ezines so that a greater number of people can view them.

These tools also offer a resource box at the end of the article; you can put your name as well as your website there. Inevitably, this will increase your site traffic especially if the visitor is interested in learning more about the topic.

Content articles will also improve your link popularity. When other webmasters see that your site is doing well because of the kind of content you have, they will be encouraged to link to you. Right now, getting relevant links will also increase your search engine ranking because of your improved page rank.

In addition, content writing has the potential to stay forever on the internet and generate a lot of traffic as well as revenue for you. So the key to driving a lot of traffic to your website is through creating quality articles that have timeless information.

Imagine generating passive revenue ten years down the road because of the effort you put into creating content articles today. There are certainly many benefits you can derive from having quality content, it is no wonder then that internet experts always emphasize that content is king.

How to Use SEO to Drive Traffic to a Website

SEO is crucial part for you? It is undeniable that SEO is a crucial part of marketing your website over the internet. Every online business owner has to conduct one form of SEO strategy or another to be able to attract traffic to the website. But implementing effective SEO strategies is not that simple because there are a variety of elements that search engines look into before they rank your page at the top. In line with this, here are some simple tips to use SEO as a tool to drive traffic to your site:

1. Don't use trickery. Try to avoid tricking the search engines to make your site rank high. Search engines today are becoming more sophisticated and it will penalize any website that tries to fool it.

2. Avoid using too much flash navigation. While flash may look good on the website; it is impossible for search engines to spider it to know what the content is all about.

3. Always remember the phrase content is king. It is in the search engines best interest to provide relevant information to the searchers. In line with this, it is important for you to provide the kind of content that people are interested in. Don't spam your content with keywords though; make sure that the searchers will benefit from your site as well.

4. Get other sites to link to you. Getting back links to your website will automatically improve your search engine ranking. Take note that search engines frown upon link farm services though because they will put your links with sites that are not relevant to yours.

5. Try to avoid using JavaScript navigation. Search engines cannot understand any of the content that is inside JavaScript. If all your page links are there, you will surely want search engines to find them.

6. Use Google site map. A great way for spiders to get as much information from your site as possible is through site maps. Using Google's own site map is advantageous because it meets all of Google's specifications.

7. Title tags are very effective. This lets search engines know what the texts on your site are all about. Basically, these are the tool tips that appear when you put your pointer on the links on the page.

8. Don't use duplicate content. Never use content that is used on other websites because this can make Google move your site to a supplemental listing which is basically their secondary database.

Using Online Surveys to Drive MORE Traffic to a Website

Using online surveys is one of the least known secrets on how to drive a lot of traffic to websites. Most webmasters get so caught up with writing content, creating backlinks, and submitting various articles to directories to get more traffic. Now, there is certainly nothing wrong with these strategies because all of these are effective. The problem is, they fail to look at other options on how to drive traffic to their sites and online surveys is a cheap and effective way to do it.

People are always interested in making money so it makes sense if you use online surveys to promote your website. You can partner with survey companies so that they will include your site on the list of sites that people have the option to survey. But they will do this for a fee, of course.

In addition, the visitor would want to be paid for their efforts as well. So it is only to be expected that you need to shell out a significant among of money to derive the benefits of online surveys. However, a lot of webmasters have been satisfied with the results they got.

Aside from driving traffic to your website, you will also get a clearer opinion of what others think about your business. Online surveys certainly have a lot of benefits because through this method, you will also get a good understanding about the taste and preferences of online searchers so you can design your site accordingly.

More than using online surveys to drive traffic to your website, there are also many other little known secrets that can help you improve your traffic and ranking. For example, you can take advantage of traffic exchange services wherein you will help others get more traffic to their sites while they are helping you at the same time.

You can also post on message boards and forums about your site, this will definitely aid you greatly because your comments can be seen by your target audience themselves. There are many other simple ways of driving traffic to your website such as putting your signature in every email you send or through banner exchanges.

Hopefully, conducting online surveys will help you in your endeavor to drive more traffic to your website and increase your profitability. Also, try to combine online surveys with more mainstream way of generating traffic and inevitably, you will see positive results in a short amount of time.

How to Use Google Adwords to Drive Traffic

Google Adwords is one of the vital tools in the internet world that can be utilized if you want to drive traffic to your Webpage. And why do you need to drive traffic to your website? Any website administrator or owner sees the importance of this action since traffic makes any site successful by gaining more profit through advertisement. Still confused? Let us take it one by one. We shall start with a discussion of Google Adwords.

While using the Google search engine there are noticeable listings in the right hand corner of the webpage. All of these listings is identified as Google Adwords. Google presents important texts relative to the ads within the search engine results page. This page is named Sponsored Links. When a searcher keys in a word, the links appear separately thus giving superb exposure of the listed site.

How does it work? Since Google is the most popular and the largest online search engines; it receives approximately 200,000,000 queries everyday. Because of this demand, its web administrators desire to have high ranking on the results of searches it provides. The high ranking can denote a high traffic for a particular website.

The results page of any search engine can really be a great spot for promoters to advertise a service or product using links and ads. Particularly, these are helpful to those ticket items needing maximum exposure for sales. As a result, Google launched Adwords service offering businesses an avenue to advertise their services and products to a targeted audience.

Adwords is a pay per click advertisement which is posted by people who want his or her auctions to be seen by targeted traffic on the site. Through Adwords, the item submitted will be displayed several times but these displays, will only be paid whenever a searcher ticks on the posted ad. Adwords by Google guarantees instant traffic.

How can one use the Google Adwords? An initial step is to acquire an account on Google Adwords Service. Next, you should specify your country and language; this is an important step since your prime motive is to sell. You would not want your product or service be advertised in places where they are not known or they are not being used.

After acquiring an account, you are now ready to make your ad group. This ad group consists of ad designing, keyword selection and determination of the maximum cost you are willing to pay. This also includes bidding for the amount of the ad.

Tag title is the next important thing to consider in Google Adwords. Be sure that your title tag is very captivating since this will be an essential tool in catching the attention of the target audience. As a note, title tags must describe your website accurately and clearly. This must be effective in conveying the message for your audience. Having clear messages can attract qualified leads which can be converted to sales. This can therefore signify the importance of selecting concise keywords.
Keywords must carefully be selected. There are words and phrases that can be adapted to attract more prospects. Using different words, derivatives and misspellings can lead to an increased chance of serving your ad on the website.

After deciding on a title tag for your ad, cost must be considered next to have maximum exposure. For each campaign, it is recommendable to have daily budget that is affordable and suitable. Usually, the charges are agreed upon by the client and a webmaster or administrator. Normally, a pay per day amount is considered; for example, a trading assistant who takes care of the selling of peoples stuff agrees on a $10 a day or $300 for one month listing. Generally, the charge can be as low as a dollar a day. The amount will all depend on the set agreement.

Aside from these steps, there are a few mistakes that are overlooked. These can be considered to be a profitable website. One of the mistakes is bidding on a few wrong keywords, thus missing the right ones. Another mistake is unawareness on the keywords and ads that convert web users to sales and which ones aren't profitable.

Your site won't succeed based entirely on its design and content. Although you have a very exceptional services and products to offer, it will all be a waste if you do not have capabilities and skills to advertise. Google Adwords in conclusion is a very excellent tool in gaining your sites success. It will definitely be helpful in letting you have the target traffic you will need to have maximum exposure and eventually the sky rocketing sales you dream of!

Use Exchanges to Create Traffic

Do you know exchanges? Exchanges are a way of sharing your own traffic to other websites. Brilliant people who are experiencing the same problem of directing an inadequate number of visitors to their sites had devised this strategy not too long ago. The idea is very simple. All a person has to do is to post advertisements of other websites on their own sites in exchange for the same thing.

In essence, it is you-advertise-on-my-website-and-I'll-advertise-on-your-site sort of agreement. People want to increase the popularity of their sites and that's a given. Some people are more than willing to exchange or share resources with others, so to speak.

There are different things you can propose an exchange with to other websites. You can exchange links, banners, content, and a whole lot of other promotional stuff. It is more about sharing what you have to other web masters so that they can share what they have to you in response.

The most popular exchanges in are in the form of URL's. Some web directories are actually requiring websites to put their link on the front page of the website that is requesting inclusion. More often than not, web directories test their live links to see if it is really there before they accept the website for submission.

Web directories are online classified listings of different websites. The links of the websites they contain actually came from the web masters who had intent to be included in the list. Some web directories are paid directories. This means that you need to pay these sites a certain amount before your link shows up on their pages.

However, web directories understand that not all web masters have the necessary funds to pay for advertisements. As such, web directories devised another mode of payment. Instead of web masters paying them money for link inclusion, they pay by publishing the web directory's link on their front page. This setup benefits both parties. The web directory is getting the promotion it gets while your website is getting more backlinks.

But links are not the only things that are used for exchanges these days. There are also inline text advertisements and even banners. Banner exchanges work in the same way as link exchanges. Only in this type, graphical banners are published instead of mere URL's.

Here, you can catch more of an audience from another website because you are free to use eye-catching graphics and sometimes, even multimedia, to get your message across. Banner exchanges with another website is a good idea if and only if the other website you are trading advertisement spots with have a better page ranking and traffic than you do.

Of course, the other website may be a little choosy in selecting a banner exchange partner. Either your website had to be related to their own, or yours has to have an equal amount of traffic and enjoy the same page ranking as theirs.
There are certain requirements that both parties have to meet. And it is very important that the two web masters exchanging links with each other have open communication so that they both maximize their efforts of generating traffic to their respective sites.

There are several websites nowadays that are proposing exchanges to fellow web masters. They serve as a middleman between two websites that are looking for traffic. In essence, they match two or more websites so that they can pool their resources together to gain the traffic they need. Their service makes the whole system easier, as you don't have to personally talk to another web master for an exchange. Most of them offer their services for free, by the way.

Exchanges can really do wonders for your site. If you have distributed your links or banners to a substantial amount of websites over the internet, even if only one unique person gets to click them everyday, you should be getting the results that you want. However, you have to be very careful when entering deals like these.

You don't want to over populate your websites with somebody else's links, advertisements, and banners in such a way that your own content becomes merely a shadow of the ruckus. Be very wary when positioning the links and banners from exchanges as well. They should not, in any way, make your website lose its credibility.


How to Use a Tell A Friend Script to Create Traffic

Traffic is what a website needs to be successful. It is traffic that can provide the income a website needs to sustain itself. And if it were a business oriented website, you surely are going to achieve the sales quota for the day to earn a good amount of money. While setting up a website seems easy, driving traffic to it is actually the biggest problem of all.

But of course, for every problem, there is always a solution. To solve the problem associated with a slow day on your website is the tell-a-friend script. While the script won't necessarily give you the spike of traffic you want in a day; it could certainly double your traffic at any point in time. The tell-a-friend script works by giving your visitors the means to send a picture, a part of the content you have on your site, or simply an invitation to check out what you have up to their circle of friends.
The script capitalizes on the word of mouth principle. If one person finds your website helpful, he most probably will share it with others. And if you have a fully functional tell-a-friend script; he or she need not log on to his mail client or instant messaging service.

All he has to do is to use the link on your site that says 'email this to a friend' or 'invite a friend' and he will be redirected to a page wherein they can instantly send their personal message or a canned message to their friends. They'll only need to supply the recipient's email address and it is all done.

The tell-a-friend script can actually work for you. People inviting their friends to your site proposes to be a better marketing strategy than sending massive spam mails to people you don't know. Not only that spamming is considered is illegal, you are also going to give your website a bad impression to the very people you want to visit.

To make the script work for you, try to place it at the end of every content article you place on your site. Let your visitors freely surf everything you have placed on your website, read all information-rich articles, and browse through the pictures and images you have posted. Just make sure that the link to send the content to their friends are positioned optimally on every page so they can freely do so with every chance they get.

If people receive an email from somebody they know, they are more likely to heed the invitation. Mail from people they trust have higher chances of being read rather than the emails from a site or a person they haven't heard of.

It is very important that the tell-a-friend script you use is placing the name of the friend who recommends your site right on the subject part of the email. If their friend's name is not shown, they are more than likely going to ignore the message and treat it as spam. You don't want that to happen, so you have to make sure that the person's real name, if possible, is showing at all times.

Other than that, you can also store the email address you collect for future contacts. With the tell-a-friend script, you can make a database full of email addresses of real people.

You are not supposed to use these email address for marketing purposes, though. Part of your privacy policy is to use only the email addresses you have acquired for the actual purpose intended. Don't send unsolicited emails to those addresses or sell them to other people, as doing that is also considered as spam and that is punishable by law.

The simple tell-a-friend script could give you better mileage on your website. You can obtain most of these scripts for free. Just make sure that you get them from reliable sources to be sure that you're not creating security threats for your site.

However, you can also have them customized by a seasoned programmer. You might need to pay them for their services, though. But then again, it is only a one-time deal. It's a good investment because you will be able to maximize your visitors once you have the script up and running.

When it comes to generating visitors, you should do everything necessary to make your site successful, as far as unique traffic is concerned. And the tell-a-friend script is definitely something that you can use to make things happen for you and your website.

Learn How to Use a Newsletter to Generate Traffic

Right now, there are countless of ways to drive traffic to a site. But even though there are a lot of strategies, none of them can guarantee you results overnight. Driving traffic to a site is still the hardest job there is when it comes to maintaining a website. Traffic can be obtained by advertising and promotion. But do you know that you can get people to visit your website just by creating a newsletter?

People surf the internet for various reasons. But more than anything, they are online because they want to gain some information about something. Some people want to research more about a product before buying. Others are looking for suggestions from other users. And there are those who surf the internet just to gain knowledge.

Therefore, if your site has good content, the higher the chances that you'll amass a good number of unique visitors from time to time. But what if your website is not an information portal and is actually an e-commerce site? Adding too many articles to it may be a problem because you already have loads of pictures and images to put up.

Well, if that's the only concern that you have, the solution is quite simple. All you really have to do is to create a regular newsletter about your products and relevant information about them. Newsletters could provide you with both repeat and unique visitors on a regular basis. Just make sure that you got some juicy headlines and eye-catching offers included in your newsletters. And for sure, your visitors will visit you every now and then, check your new and old products, and stay until they are ready to buy your products.

To be successful in making newsletters drive traffic to your site, you have to maintain an active list of email addresses of people to whom you can send your newsletters. The list doesn't have to include thousands of email addresses at once, if you don't have that yet. What's more important is that you'll build your list slowly along the way. Besides, a targeted list is better than the lists you can buy from so-called online marketing gurus.

A functional mailing list is the moving factor behind making newsletters for traffic. And you can get the email addresses of your visitors right from your site. Make sure that you have some scripts installed that allow your visitor to subscribe to your newsletters and to receive exciting updates that you might offer. Try to include a script wherein they can invite their friends as well. This allows them to easily recruit visitors for you. Your visitor's friends could be an integral part of your daily traffic requirement.

The newsletters that you create regularly should be stored in one folder of your website. Always upload new newsletters promptly. You can use the actual web page to be sent to the people on your list.

Or you can simply send the link that will take them there. Between these two options, it is always better to send the page itself so that people will see your newsletters at once. This way, they can easily click on the live links included in the message if and when they find your articles and offers interesting enough. Now that's instant visitors for you.

So try to do the math. Imagine how many visitors you'll get if only around 10% of the 1,000 people would come and visit you. That's 100 unique visitors everyday. The number can't be that high, you might say. But then again, who's keeping you from sending your newsletters to millions of internet users? Just go ahead and keep updating your email database. Your traffic will definitely experience a spike in the days to come.

You can also keep an archive of your previously sent newsletters on a certain part your website for future reference. If you successfully create your newsletters to be both informative and exciting, then people will definitely go back and view them, even if it several months old. A database of newsletters could provide you with recurring traffic without too much effort on your part.

If you have yet to use newsletters as a strategy to drive traffic to your site, the right time is now. Don't be left behind by your competitors. Your website deserves to be seen, appreciated, and visited by hordes of traffic everyday. Start making that captivating newsletter today.

Ways to Submit Your Site to Major Search Engine to Drive More Traffic to a Website

Google, Yahoo, and MSN are the top 3 major search engines in the world. Obviously, there are other search engines that e-commerce owners can submit their sites to; but these 3 heavyweights carry the most benefits. The term "major" really means "most used," and therefore, most visited.

Google and Yahoo offer free submission services. Ask requires that you sign up for membership and pay a fee before you can submit your site. You can also submit to other search engines like: LYCOS, MSN Live Search, etc. Here are a few tips as to how you can submit your site to search engines.

One: Read submission rules and regulations.

There are rules and regulations in order for you to submit your site successfully. Usually, search engines' have submission sites for you to read and you must read them. Don't just scan through and click on all "I Accept" buttons and type in nonsensical descriptions of your site. Some of these application forms/registration pages look deceptively simple, when they are not simple at all.

Set some time to really answer all pertinent questions on the application forms, especially if you are paying money to have it indexed or submitted. And you must do this for each and every search engine you are applying for.

One thing you have to remember is that, even if you have successfully submitted your site, this does not mean that your site will automatically increase its traffic by a hundredfold. Submission is only one step of the process. However, being indexed by the major search engines can help greatly.

Two: Submit by hand.

Automated submissions are usually classified immediately as spam and removed from the search engine listings. These promotional gimmicks about fully automated programs that can list your site on a hundred search engines instantly are shams. Automated mass submissions may not get your website penalized, but it certainly may put you at risk of being blacklisted altogether.

If you are willing to spend just a few hours a day to submit your site manually to individual search engines, you can actually garner more results. This means that you have to visit each and every search engine on the web and fill it out individually. Although, you can always hire other people to do the submissions for you, you have to make sure that they submit these by hand as well.

If you are willing to pay money to increase your website's traffic, you can use some major search engine's paid indexing services. This service ensures that your site gets indexed quickly, putting you higher in ranking on the search engine results page or SERP.

Three: Submit once.

Not only will search engines ignore further submissions of your site, you are also wasting valuable time and money trying to submit an already accepted site. Multiple submissions will not improve your site's rankings at the SERPs. It would be best to re-direct your energy into promoting your site through more conventional means like SEO, etc.

Four: Keep monitoring

Once you've submitted your site, monitor your progress, at all the sites you have applied for. Eventually, you have to upgrade your site, or add more pages, and that would be a great time to see if the contents of your pages actually help increase the traffic to your site or not.

Learning How to Generate Traffic from Articles

The internet is an optimum source of information over the world wide web.

As such, it is a given that people log on to the internet primarily

because they are looking for something they want to know more about, read

more about, or research more about.

Given this fact, it becomes very important that your website is filled

with useful content for people to read. It doesn't matter if you are

keeping an information portal type of a website or an e-commerce site. You

need content. You need articles. Keep in mind that these are the very

things that could drive traffic to your site.

So how will your articles deliver a steady flow of visitors to your

website? There are two ways. First, if you write about something that is

related to your site and sprinkle some keywords in it, the search engines

will notice your site more. Once you have your articles all written and

ready, just upload it to your website.

Just wait, sit back, and relax while the search engine robots crawl

through them after a few days. The robots will then add those keywords to

the algorithm and the search engine they belong to use them to compute the

popularity of a certain keyword to your site.

If your site proves to be the one that contains the most relevant

information about the keyword typed by the user, then your site will

appear on the first page of the search results.

It is a given that the higher your position in the search engine is, the

better are the chances that the people who are using the search engine

looking for something will click your site to check what you have to

offer. The idea is simple - the more information rich articles you have

uploaded and the more keywords you sprinkle in them, the higher are the

chances your site get noticed by people.

But of course, we cannot discount the simple fact that your article on its

own, can give you the traffic you want. There are slim chances that the

story or the featured article you wrote about is the same with somebody

else's if and when you have written it all by yourself. And so some people

will definitely come looking for that piece of information you have. And

if the unique articles you created contains the data internet users need,

that should be enough pull.

Eventually, the same people will visit you frequently. If your website or

your blog gives them the things they want, then you need not go out of

your way to get traffic. Traffic will come to you naturally. There's not

much technicality in this setup. All you really have to do is to upload

numerous information-rich articles on your site and you should all set.

But then again, you have to market your site some other way so that people

will actually see your articles.

That leads us to the other effective method of using articles to generate

traffic to your site. This is through the use of article directories.

Article directories are websites whose primary purpose is to compile

information rich articles submitted by their members. There are several of

them out there today. And most of them follow stringent rules as to what

types of articles you can upload. More often than not, you can only send

articles that are highly informative with no distinct promotion for a

service or a product.

These websites will publish your articles in their network. Your articles

will then be available to all other internet users. The chances of your

articles being read and spotted are higher if you submit them to article

directories. This is because popular articles directories enjoy high page


Your articles, provided you have chosen the right keywords, will

definitely show on top of the search engine's list without much of a

hassle on your part. In essence, you are riding the website's popularity

and are using it to your advantage.

Now it doesn't end there. Article directories normally allow one live URL

or backlink to their authors. They also provide some space wherein you can

put a small description of yourself, your website, and your expertise.

Therefore, with all of these working for you, plus a direct link to your

website presented to the person surfing the internet interested in reading

your article, you have higher chances of gaining people to actually come

and visit your site just to find more information-rich articles like the

one that engrossed them.

How to Generate Social Traffic

Nowadays, getting your website included in the top search engine results is not the only way to drive more traffic to your website. Search engine optimization still helps, yes, but it's not the only alternative to focus on. Now, with the escalating growth and popularity of social websites, it's important that your website gets a piece of the social cake, too!

It's about understanding What Makes Up Social Traffic

A lot of people are still confused with what exactly makes up social traffic. While there are many varied definitions you can obtain online, most, if not all, will agree that social traffic generally includes those coming from social media, such as blogs and forums, social news and bookmarking websites like Del.Icio.Us, Digg, Reddit, social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook, and lastly any other product of Web 2.0 such as Amazon Review or Yahoo Local.

Thus, any traffic you obtain from such sites can be immediately classified as social traffic. Furthermore, if we're to base things on that principle, it is also safe to derive that social traffic is generated more or less by the preferences of other people since it is the users of such websites like Digg and MySpace that had made the choice to link to your website.

How to Generate Social Traffic

Now that you know where you'll be able to get social traffic from, here's how to generate it for your website.

Know What Makes People Come Back

It doesn't matter if the people who have just visited your website didn't get any of the products or services offered in your website. What matters is ensuring that they've left with the intention to come back. Social traffic will continue to pour in and don't worry, those hits will eventually be converted to online profit, if you also continue giving them what they want. Ask yourself then: what made those people bookmark or link to your website? If you know what that is, can you give them some more of it?
Know Who You're Talking to

It is easier to generate social traffic if you know what particular market segment they represent. Knowing who they are will consequently help you learn what they may or may not like in your website and take the necessary steps to ensure that your website is as pleasing as possible to them.

Look for the Catch-All Bait

Yes, it's okay to create several variations of a particular topic to ensure that the different sectors of your target market will easily understand what you're talking about but it's just as important to create content that's universally attractive. Don't spend all of your time thinking up the many different ways you can sell glass doors when you need to concentrate first on selling doors.

Use Eye-catching Headlines

Yes, using a huge font size and a glaring font color can make your headlines eye-catching but we mean it figuratively. Use words that instantly grab your readers attention. Use words that are powerful and have great impact. Why use nice, for instance, when you can go as far as beautiful? Why use increase when you can use the term soar? This tip works for all kinds of sources of social traffic. With eye-catching headlines, you succeed in making a person stop whatever he's doing just long enough to read more of what you have to say.

Make an Impressive Profile

This will work with all kinds of social traffic as well. Blogs, forums, and social networking websites all let you create a profile. Take advantage of this to let readers know more about you and most importantly of all, use your profile page to convince people to read more of your content.

Be the First!

This tip works best with social news websites like Digg and Reddit. It's very important to be the first to write about the latest topics concerning your websites industry. If you are selling pet supplies, for instance, then news like purported toxic contents in a popular dog food brand would be something you can certainly write about. If you're the first to write about it, more people will be able to link to your work since it's the first thing they've seen and able to use as reference in their own writings.

And if you're not the first to write about a particular topic, try at least to be the first to use a different perspective on the topic. That can certainly work as well!

Learning to Generate Keyword Density for SEO and Traffic

Almost every internet marketer knows what the SEO is for. SEO or search engine optimization is a process of improving the quality and volume of traffic from search engines to a web site through natural search for target keywords. Keywords and their density are thus necessary to achieve the high ranking of website exposure.

Keyword is very important since this is the heart of any online ad. The clear messages they can convey lead to sales and profit and any misconceptions can only lead to disaster. It is thus important to carefully generate keyword density for SEO and traffic. This can be done in many ways.

SEO professionals recommend an average of 3 to 7 percent keyword density. These words should only be those relevant phrases. Too high keyword density, say, 12% may seem to appear as artificially stuffed. This can be regarded as spam by search engines. The vitality of a well written page will have to contain prevalent keyword phrases.

Keywords on your site are intended to appear 1 to 3 times for every hundred words. Though it doesn't sound like a lot, if you are having a page with thousand or more words; you will have to put 30 keyword incidences.

This will altogether be seen by search engines and you will be penalized for a poor listing. You may replace keywords with those which can make any subjects clear. There are numerous examples from the web which you can look into.

Basically, there is the SEO Keyword Density Tool which presents keywords that you can use and what can be done to improve the traffic and eventually the ranking of a search engine without the need to send hundreds of queries on the search engines.

It carries several features such as it helps create your website such a powerhouse search engine. It also warns potential problems with your webpage. Based on the existing content, it also suggests keyword phrases to be used and scans the best keywords.

There are still other known tools relative to keyword density. There is the META Tag Creator and Keyword Density Analyzer. This is regarded as 2 applications in 1. It can create a report on keyword density for any pages on your website. Another purpose of this tool is to allow you to choose any of the keywords that will generate META keywords for your tag titles.

Another application is the Word Tracker which has a compilation of terms that people usually search for. Just enter some keywords and it will give you statistics on how often people search for those words and how many of the competing sites also use those keywords.

Word Tracker also had its Keyword Research Guide for free. A fictional organization is created and experts are asked to give real solutions to problems being faced by its CEO. This will result in an e-book which is packed with tips, techniques and insight on keyword research that can be applied on your personal website.

Still there are some keyword density programs which can greatly help anyone in the generation of proper keywords for their sites. Examples are the Keyword Generator Lite 1.0 which is a powerful tool to produce keywords and save them for free. There are more than 100 keywords that can be used for webpage content, tags and titles. These keywords are very useful in making your page remarkable when ticked on any search engines.

Another program is the Keyword Ranker 1.1 which can help you make money through traffic from Google and through presenting the keyword ranking. This program can help you track changes, and what strategies can be applied to have better page rankings.

You must be conscious enough of keeping the density of your keyword in moderation. You should not only sprinkle these keywords to have it on your article or web content. Chances are, you will be banned from search engines and this will spoil your goal of being profitable.

Utilizing the right keywords can be considered to be the cornerstone of any successful SEO businesses. They are the main vehicles that can help you to be the first rank among the famous search engines. Remember though to choose appropriate keywords that can serve their purposes.

Always remember, that the basic purpose of using keywords is to have high page ranking will not have to end here. You will have to think of other things to effectively create enough search engine traffic on your page that will eventually lead to success.


Drive Traffic To a Website Through Article Marketing !

There are many ways to increase website traffic. Some web developers are turning to SEO practices, link buying and even subscribing to pay-for-click programs just to encourage more visitors to their sites. One of the least expensive ways of increasing website traffic is through article marketing.

What is Article Marketing?

Article marketing is a form on online advertising. Basically, you write short articles about anything related to what you are trying to promote. After completing the piece, you have to make it available for distribution and publication in article directories, in the company website and even on someone else's site.

As a rule, each completed article contains a resource box which contains vital information like: the name of the author, a very brief background of the author, and contact information of the author, etc.

Essentials of Article Marketing

1. Write quality articles

Quality content is still the best way to make article marketing work.
You should remember that more than a million people log on to the Internet daily; and a good percentage of them post article after article about almost any topic.

When you write an article, try to incorporate all the information your potential reader may need or want. Internet users usually seek out valuable information like the ones that can help them solve their problems.

If you can, write and post articles that have the same theme or subject of interest; and write as many articles as you can. This is a way of building up your reputation among your readers. Given time, (and if your articles are interesting enough,) you just may develop a following of readers who are interested in reading what you have to say.

2. Craft the perfect resource box

As mentioned earlier, when you market your article, you should always have a resource box. Now, this is really important. This is the one place that can literally point your readers to your website. Here is how you should craft a perfect resource box:

The first thing that your readers should find in your resource box is your name and title, but more often than not, its just the name that people scout around for.

Do not forget to type in correctly your website address after your name.
After this, there is the compulsory USP or unique selling proposition: this is comprised of 1 to 3 brief and concise sentences as to what more you can possibly offer your readers.

Finally, you lead your readers into a call of action. This means that you are asking them to do one specific action: particularly asking them to visit your website.

3. Submit your articles

Obviously, submitting your article for publication is important, but where do you send them? The easiest choice is to send them to article directories or acquire article distribution services. Submission to article directories is mostly free, and these directories will allow you to add links to your website. Article distribution services have varying fees, but they allow your piece to be posted in more sites than article directories.

How to Drive Traffic Through Reciprocal Link Building

What is it reciprocal link? In the SEO business, reciprocal link building gives good rankings if the sites are relevant or related to both topic/subject of both sites. It is an effective way to drive traffic to your site and you will also gain higher rankings with other related websites as long as you have an updated site with great content and significant information.

Link exchange will result if you have set a topnotch site with interesting content and other related information, this will in turn help others who want to exchange links with you for an added internet exposure.

Few notes on Reciprocal Link Building

* Make sure that you are linked to relevant sites meaning you both have the same subject matter and at the same time all the links are also related to each other.

* It's more about quality than quantity. In reciprocal link building, be on the look out for quality sites, linking to more and more sites not really related to your site is not advisable.

* This is a long and sometimes frustrating process because you still have to check if the sites have agreed on link exchange and regularly track down if the link to your site is still present on the other's website.

* Some webmasters may turn down your link and replace it with another link. If that's the case, take their link off your site also as this can give them good search engine rankings as one way linking and your website may lose.

* Examine the other site link pages, are they indexed and visited by google? If the site has no follow through or are hidden from those called robots, this will do you no good, it can even damage your ranking.

* When requesting for a link exchange, consider the links that are displayed/linked to the other's site, all the links should be relevant to your website. Also, the site should not have many broken links from other sites.

*Keep the number of links on that page at a minimum amount, if the page has 40 or more links then don't waste your time there anymore.

* You can decide however if you want to have a separate link page, this will depend on the size of the site and what your topic is all about.

Be extra careful in the reciprocal link building process, make sure that all the links are relevant and all the links contained in other's website are also related. Bear in mind also that not all webmasters are willing to exchange links, some webmasters do not allow link exchange or if they allow it, double check if your link exists on their link pages. Sometimes, webmasters do a naughty trick of hiding links after they've agreed on a link exchange.

Follow the link exchange rules. The site that you are exchanging links with should exist in major search engines and has good traffic ranking (Alexa is an effective site to keep track on rankings and traffic). Check regularly, let's say every month if your link is still in the site, some webmasters also have this practice of removing other links in their sites.

Reciprocal linking is a good and free way of achieving high website ranking but you should still monitor once in a while, after the link exchange don't stop there continue to check the status of your links and site rankings.

Drive Targeted Traffic to your Website? How?

Is it easy to drive targeted visitor to your site? By far, the hardest challenge in search engine marketing nowadays is to get those much needed visitors to your website. Magnetizing decent and targeted traffic involves a lot of work, and, there is really no perfect standard to achieve it. Search Engine Optimization is like an art and science rolled into one. On the other hand, when you maximize the benefits and techniques of search engine optimization, you will be rewarded with a good flow of targeted visitors.

To start on the right path, and, to create a better and expected flow of eligible visitors on your website, there are some procedures and techniques that you can implement that will work great wonders for your website. This is the best part about "generic search engine optimization", if done the right way, it normally creates a long-standing profit, autonomously on the search engines continuous change on their algorithms.

Since you only want targeted visitors which are interested on the products and services which you offer on website, you do not want to waste your time and resources to get just anyone to check on your website. You will only need visitors that will be interested on what you website has to offer. Hence, before you start, ask yourself this straightforward question:

"Who are my visitors, who will then be my targeted prospects, who will finally be my future customers?"

Follow-up this questions with:

Are they corporations and businesses in any industry?
Are they professionals looking for a specific product and service that my website offers?
Who are my average website visitors? Are they regular customers or are they corporate buyers?
If indeed they are regular customers, what is their average income level? What age group do they belong to? What part of the world do they reside in?
Is there a possibility that they've visited your website before?

It is possible that they could already be your customers, which makes them frequent visitors, or, even better, frequent buyers. The more data you have on your clients and visitors, the more you will know where and how you can locate them. Keeping that data will help you analyze the subsequent simple steps in building your targeted traffic.

Search engines and directories

In the world of the "real-tine" and connected, you should be on top of the search engine's databases, as well as the most significant directories. That way you will be ensured that that when people search for a product and service they will find you.

Give free newsletters on your website

One of the least complicated and best ways to get your traffic started to your website is through newsletters. You should publish a newsletter for free on your site. The best thing about newsletters is that you will have a good list of eligible prospects, that will be interested on the products or services which your website offers. To succeed, your newsletter must be an 'opt-in type', which means they are voluntary subscribers.

Online forums and discussion groups

Most of the time and this is proven already, prospective customers and clients do "hang-out" in online forums and discussions groups, they ask questions, talk about past experiences, share each others ideas, or simply hang around. Finding which group they belong too, and, finding out their common needs or goals, will definitely put you a step ahead. You should try to determine the most trendy online forums or discussion boards, that is related to your business, and where prospective customers and clients in your target market are hanging around.

How To Create and Use Affiliate Programs to Drive More Traffic To A Website

Perhaps one of the most low-profile Internet marketing schemes is affiliate marketing. However, low-profile does not mean unsuccessful, because this type of marketing continues to play a significant role in e-commerce.

What is affiliate marketing?

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing works on a reward system, wherein one website drives traffic to another website in exchange for reward points. Basically, it works this way: if you are an affiliate (or associate) of an online-based company, you create your own website, which links back to that company. Any visitor to your site that you manage to re-direct to that company's website will earn you rewards points. The more points you have, the more rewards you can actually reap. Some businesses prefer this type of marketing scheme because it is a pay-per-performance package deal.

In the non-Internet based business lingo, this type of reward system is called revenue sharing.

How to Create and Use Affiliate Marketing Programs

For the first few years, online business owners only allowed for affiliates with their own websites (or at the very least, their own webpages.) These days however, anyone can become an affiliate by simply: engaging in online discussions (chats, forums, message boards, etc.); using e-mail marketing, using offline promotions; writing e-books; or writing ezine articles.

There are certain advantages though, of having your own website. One: some online businesses require their affiliates to have one. Two: since it is your site, you can creatively promote one or all your affiliate programs, all at the same time. Lastly: a website has greater potential to reach more customers than forums or e-mail marketing strategies.

How to Choose an Affiliate Program

Choosing an affiliate program is equally important. Don't grab the first one that comes along. You can visit Internet Affiliate Marketing Program Networks to compare and study different programs. Plus, most of the advertising merchants here will let new affiliates sign up for free. Choose a few of the programs that seem stable, and a few of those merchants with the longest history of sales and affiliate marketing success. Try not to be dazzled by the promises of millions of dollars, etc. etc. etc.

Once you've sized down your list, look into the quality of the products and services that these merchants are carrying. Your goal is to entice people to check out the goods. If you are not convinced of the quality of these products and services, what makes you think that your site visitors will be convinced as well? Besides, if the goods do fall short of expectations, your name as a marketer is on the line as well. Choose one (or more) which you think will be a credit to you, and not otherwise.

Creating the Site Itself

Once you've chosen from the affiliate program lot, you can either choose a program that can help you "build" your website by providing the necessary tools like banners, graphics and articles. If they can provide you with online training about how to effectively market their goods, then your life will be easier. If not, you then have to dedicate more time and energy into marketing your chosen product and goods.

Try to calculate if the time you spend creating product banners and articles is worth the compensation you will be getting from the company you've applied for. If it is not, it would be best to move on to another program.

The most essential key here is to create quality content in your site. People are looking to yours to see whether you can give them new insights or provide advice to their dilemma or verify a fact about something. A theme-based website will even bolster your reputation as an "expert" in your chosen niche, so try to limit your website to one theme only. Weave all your different affiliate programs in all your pages, but do so in a manner that will be attractive but not overwhelming.

At the end of your creative process, try to sit back and ask yourself if you are convinced with what you have on your site, and if you would consent to buying the products and services advertised within. If the answer is a "no," or a "maybe" then you may want to check out other sites to see how you can improve your own.

How to Choose a Domain Name that will Drive MORE Traffic to a Your Site

Why is domain name so important to be considered? Creating a website can be tricky, but choosing the right domain name is even trickier. A good domain name can drive more traffic to your website, and a not so good domain name may cause a stagnant website. The concept of having your own website is that it should effectively represent your purpose, whether it will be for personal or business use. Once you create your website, it follows that you should and must register your own domain name.

So what is a domain name? It is a unique alphanumeric name that gives identity to a website on the World Wide Web. A domain name has a maximum length of 67 characters, this includes the 0 to 9 numbers, English alphabet composed of 26 letters, and the hyphens. Hyphens in a domain name can only be used within and not at the beginning or the ending of the name.

Domain names have suffixes, and they are called Top Level Domain (TLD). Domain name TLD's are based on the category of organization that they are related to. The following are several of the most popular TLD's:

1. .gov for government agency
2. .edu for educational institution
3. .org for nonprofit organizations
4. .net for commercial network
5. .com for commercial business domain

Since domain names gives identity to a website, it follows that choosing the right one can be a bit complicated. Your objective is to opt for a name that is easy to remember, search engine optimization friendly, and more importantly a domain name that mirrors the content, and/or products and services that your website provides. At the end of the day your chosen domain name can make or break you.

Do's and Don'ts in choosing a Domain Name

Obviously, a domain name should be related to your websites content. If you're selling shirts then do not choose a name such as pants.com. Choosing unrelated names will confuse site visitors and frankly it doesn't make any sense at all.

A domain name as discussed earlier should be easy to remember. So choosing too long of a name is a No-No. Which is better yourshirts.com or your-shirts-in-different-styles-and-colors.com?

However, a short name is also not advisable, because a short name will not have much impact in driving traffic to your website. Try to purchase a domain name with few keywords with relevance to the content of your website. Which is better yourshirts.com or shirt.com?
Integrating keywords in choosing a domain name will help, because it will result in a higher ranking on search engines. Which is better yourshirts.com or yoursite.com? With yourshirts.com you can immediately identify that the website is about shirts as opposed to yoursite.com wherein you are at lost as to what the website is all about, you will loose potential website traffic if you do it that way.


Relationship Building Can Drive Traffic to a Website

How big is your site accepted by the public? The only traffic known to man that is wholly accepted with open arms is, of course, website traffic. Every website owner loves traffic because the steadier the flow, the more probable that it will result in earnings. But the fact of the matter is that it is hard to achieve, let alone maintain, especially for new internet marketers and website owners.

Do not let this stop you from realizing your goals. You should be able to cleverly utilize all obtainable techniques to drive traffic to your website. There are lots of ways, and one of them is to build a long lasting relationship within the World Wide Web's vast community. In this article we will discuss two of them:

Relationship Building with Customer

The credit should go to e-mails, because since its conception the communication practice hasn't been the same. Whether existing or would be customers, you should always try to communicate with them in such a way that they will feel important and not stalked. It is advisable to adhere to the best practices in achieving that much needed website traffic and traffic conversion. By all means, try to avoid spam e-mails, which will only result to receiving hate e-mails, or even crashing the website's internal e-mail system.

An average user has at least two to four e-mail accounts, and they log in more than five times in a day. It is not surprising that before anything else some of them reach first for the mouse to check for incoming e-mails every morning. That alone translates to exceptional probabilities for website owners. To utilize the e-mail to catch the attention of prospective customers and to build a powerful long lasting relationship with the existing ones will definitely drive traffic to your website.

Towards the end of each day, e-mail does not only change our routines, it also has an impact of the very way we communicate. A marketing technique that uses e-mail promotions will give you a chance to get to know your customers. Moreover, you achieve visibality into the type of content that customers are interested in, and by providing these contents you are developing a progressive customer online relationship.

Relationship Building with other Websites

Other websites in reality are also your competitors, especially if you provide the same products and services or if you have similar contents, but as the saying goes - "No Man is an Island". Even in this cut-throat world of "who-gets-it-first", relationship building is still essential.

It would surprise you that building relationships with other website owners can drive traffic to your website. But also keep in mind that you just do not build your relationship with just any other website, you should always bear in mind that there should be a level of similarity in the content that both websites provide.
At the end of each day, relationship building is all about the quality of the content that your website provides, it is more than just backlinks and page ranks, and oftentimes that is what some people tend to forget.


Directories Can Drive Traffic to a Website, Here are The Reasons !

You know that there are a lot of ways to drive traffic to your website, and one of the oldest methods is by submitting your website link to Web directories. A Web or link directory is the World Wide Webs directory, and like the yellow pages, it comprises of existing website links in different categories. Its purpose is to link and categorize various websites for surfers to effectively find what they are looking for.

Web directories are different from search engines, because they do not display web page lists that are based on keywords, but rather list a website by its category and its subcategory. The categorization process is normally based on a website as a whole, instead of the content of a page or its keywords, and usually websites are more than often only included in one to two categories. However, Web directories permits website owners to openly submit their website link to be included, and have human editors who evaluate website link submissions for category appropriateness.

RSS directories are also somewhat the same as Web directories, although they contain a compilation of RSS feeds, rather than website links.

Directories in General

Several directories are very much general in range and lists website links throughout a wide scope of languages, regions and categories/subcategories. But there are a handful of niche directories also, which concentrate on a specialist spheres, single languages, or limited regions.

An example of a popular, general, Web directory is the Open Directory Project (ODP) and the Yahoo! Directory. ODP is a major player in Web directories because of its wide-ranging categorization and a vast number of listings. It is also free to use by search engines and other Web directories.

An argument over the quality of these Web databases and directories persists, since search engines utilize ODP's information without any real incorporation, and several test using clustering. A lot of efforts have been done to build a simple directory development, by using links for a type of link submission website that uses a script, or several of the obtainable PHP programs and portals. Currently, social software methods have initiated new attempts in the categorization process, with the aid of adding tags to the contents of a websites pages.

Why to Use Directories

For arguments sake, sometimes a website may only achieve minimal traffic from a directory compared to a search engine, but it does not necessarily mean that you do not need to submit your website links to these directories.

Targeted traffic to a website is a result of directory searches. A surfer who searches using these directories are normally there for a specific purpose, and that is because they are looking for specific needs. This traffic is more than likely to convert to prospective customers for the products and services that a particular website carries.

Search engines rank website link directories, principally those that contain links for a particular significant interest, like an expert website. Whether this is due to the fact that these directories are managed by humans and not some super computers, it explains why it is still one of the trusted sources for information. Website links listed in these directories for that reason are more credible.

Easy Ways to Optimize Your Website

People engaged in the internet business devotes their time, money and effort to drive bigger traffic to their site. There are actually a lot of alternatives and process to achieve this.

One alternative is to optimize your website. Website optimization is very important. Why? So that your website will be found online. Optimizing your website means you have to transform the content of your website to a much smaller and streamlined form. Lessen bandwidth usage while maintaining the way you want your website to look. This will definitely help save time and money.

Optimizing your website to drive traffic can somehow be very technical and complicated. But here are tips to help you optimize your site. Read on to know the basic tips for website optimization.

1. Know your target visitors who will search for your site online. You need to figure out what search phrases the surfers use so they can find your site. Always decide on the keywords that you are going to use. Think of some ideas that the surfer will type about your website.

2. Next thing to do is to define a particular niche. You are certainly going to cover a very broad topic. The rule of the thumb is to optimize your website with the best keyword. Your Keyword should be direct enough so the searcher will find your site right away and he will not get lost.

3. Take a closer look at your title tags. For those who don't know, a title tag describes a particular Web Page. They are actually HTML tags that contains text. When you use a title tag, make sure that it describes exactly the content of your website.

For instance, the articles title is 5 Ways to Lose Belly Fat, and then the title tag should be like that as well. Always place your keywords in the title tag. This way any topic related to your page will be easier to find.

Also make sure that the title tag contains various strategic keywords that have been constructed using guidelines for the web page. Title tag is very important since search engines look for title text when they are going to the index page. Title tags too can be a text link to the found pages in the list of search engines.

Look closely at the title of every article and post. It is very important in optimization since the surfer will definitely use catchy keywords for their convenience.

4. It is very important to analyze keywords. You can use the convenience of the keyword analyzer tool. Many websites offer this service and definitely delivers more traffic too. One of the best and most popular keyword analyzer tools is Google's.

5. Choose a relevant title. Make sure that it is descriptive enough for the surfers convenience. At first you may not get a very good title but as you go through and complete your article, you're going to have a clear idea what your title tag is going to be.

Make a direct and descriptive title. You know, sometimes even if the content of your article is the greatest but your title is not, the chance of having a site visitor is very slim. So watch out for your title.

6. Always consider your keyword density. This is one way to optimize your webpage. Keyword phrases should appear at least three to five times in the article while keywords should appear 10 times or more.

One more tip, it is good that you repeat the main keywords title every 200 words you made. Then for every 400-word article you write, the keyword must be repeated twice.

7. Consider the header. Always place your keyword here when you are going to write the text for your site. Search engines when scanning your site rates the texts in your headline. This is the most important part. So you should place it in the page headline. Header tags are quite large so you need to format it so it becomes smaller than the usual.

These are some of the helpful tips to optimize you website. If you follow them then you will see your sites improvement in the search engine rankings. You really don't have to be an SEO expert and spend a lot of money to optimize. Just follow them and surely you will get more traffic! Good Luck!


Acquiring Leads to Bring More Traffic to Your Site

Can you get your site visitors back? It's hard enough to tell. But there is a sure fire way to do this. To target lost prospects for your site, you need to acquire leads. FYI, lead is a visitor that might want to purchase your products or services. This is a very critical activity in the process of lead generation.

It's not easy to identify a prospective visitor. Not only will it be a very complex task but it is expensive as well. Some of the visitors might not be overly ready to be converted. To make the meaning of leads easier to understand, I will try to say that acquiring leads just means that you have to bring people to your site.

What are the ways to acquire leads? Simple, you can use the so called email marketing or the opt-in email lists. You can choose to do it yourself or pay a very good amount of money for internet providers who do this kind of service.

When you choose to do it manually, you will use the lead capture form and place it on your sites landing page. Also place them on traffic entry pages that offer significant newsletters.

You must create a lead capture form good enough to ask for the prospective customers email address. They should be asked permission if it is alright to email regularly.

You can find customers from some of the reliable sources. Some sources can provide prospective customers; they let them rent their prospect lists. These prospect lists can come from a professional organizations trade groups, list of brokers and even alumni associations.

Another way to acquire leads is through link exchanges. You can exchange links with the other sites that offer the same services on your site. Just choose one which draws a lot of attention. When you exchange links the chances of acquiring leads is good.

These are some of the ways to buy leads when you choose to do it yourself. Its kind of time consuming but it really makes sense when you achieve the site traffic you wanted.

The other way to acquire leads is to get email opt in lists, sometimes you can find a lot of lists online. Here are some examples of the Opt in Email List providers: acquirelist.net, AllmediaInc., Aboutlists.com, 24/7media, 1touchmarketing.com and 1000lists.com. These are just some of the providers that can help you. If you prefer another list, then you can search online for more lists.

The following are some of the payment options and terms that will definitely suit your preferences.

CPA or Cost Per Acquisition and the term of payment depends on the results of the emails being sent out. It's like paying on how many customers you get. This is more of a per sale basis. The good thing here is that you and the provider somehow become partners.

CPM or Cost Per M, M means a thousand. Some of the providers offer this kind of service, particularly brokers. Here they are going to send you email. For instance, they will send 50,000 emails, the CPM is $40/M, and then, that would cost you $2000. You are going to pay them on this basis whether you make sales or not.

CPC or Cost per click is when the providers give emails and if it goes out, then there will be a link to click, this could be a web page that they can visit to acquire some information etc. The payment term here is actually per click to the targeted URL.

Now when you are going to pay the Opt in List providers, pay them with a credit card. Because if you have been cheated, you have a way out through the credit company because they will help you in such cases.

Is they don't want to be paid with a credit card, then, don't do business with them. Since they may not give refunds.

So here's a word of advice for those who will choose to pay for the list providers. Always make sure that you obtain the lists that you order.

Here are some of the ways to buy leads to generate more traffic. Also, make sure that you give good reasons for these prospective customers to go to your site. Acquiring leads can be easy and affordable. Just make sure that you make the right decisions to get it done.

Definitely you will gain more site traffic. So go on and try these ways for better site traffic!


9 Effective Ways to Convert Traffic to Paying Clients

Do you use web to market your business? If you have a website that markets your business, to achieve an online business that generate income from affiliates or ad programs such as Google AdSense, or, to sell products and services on an online store. You probably know that there are certain search engine marketing techniques, like Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click such as Google AdWords, and, other promotional techniques to drive that much needed traffic to your site.

Now that you have achieved that, what happens when traffic builds up on your website? Are you able to convert them to paying clients? Building traffic to your web site is just one thing, but if nobody is buying your products or services, your online business is doomed to fail.

Conversion Optimization - A Success Factor

What is conversion optimization? It is the process in which you maximize the percentage of site visitors to complete a preferred action. This percentage is called conversion rate.

If you are not doing it yet, conversion rates should be tracked. Percentage for pay-per-click ads, it's the percentage of visitors who clicked on your ad, and, is directed to your website, and, made some actions - like completing and submitting a contract form, request for an estimate, and other actions. This can be measured, for you to know if you have successful ads.

How Conversion Rates are Calculated?

Pay-per-click ads conversion rates, are calculated as follows:

Number of site visitors making an action - divided by - number of site visitors that clicks your ad - multiplied by - 100 - is equivalent to - Conversion Rate Percentage

Online stores conversion rates, are calculated simply as follows:

Number of orders made - divided by - number of site visitors - multiplied by - 100 - is equivalent to - Conversion Rate Percentage

The importance of improving the conversion rate is so crucial, because it can escalate your sales transactions with the same quantity of website traffic by just increasing your conversion rate.

As the website traffic increases - and it should increase as expected over a period of time, granting you are properly managing your website - your profit will proliferate. You could amplify your conversion rate and amplify your website traffic, your profit will escalate four times, with all the other things being equal.

Here is the much awaited 9 effective ways

You can use the following 9 effective ways to improve your conversion rates and to convert site visitors to paying clients. This is perfect for online stores, but, it is also quite effective for most types of websites that need to improve their conversion rate.

Most of them are reasonably priced ideas, especially when compared to the price of driving additional website traffic or to pay for advertising. Bear in mind, too, that boosting your conversion rate will consequence a better return on investment for your website's promotional expenditures that you use to amplify your website traffic.

1. Use the return policy of your site to convert visitors to paying customers.
2. Give a variety of payment options to attract a lot more paying customers.
3. Offer an easy accessible customer service.
4. Provide a toll-free contact number that is visible to site visitors.
5. Be a mystery shopper to your site.
6. Make your website secure and make sure that everybody knows it.
7. It is best to peek on your competitor's site to see what they are up to.
8. You should welcome feedback, because it will help you improve your services.
9. Offer promos and special discounts and make sure that they are advertised heavily.

It is not enough for your website to be just noticed. You have to aim for sales too!

Some Ways You Can Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Website

What's the benefit of social connections? Your social connections can translate to site popularity if you only know how to use them. Think about it: all those connections mean real people that can translate to several things for a website: members, readers, a paying market, a free means for promotions and marketing. If you own a website, you can take advantage of your connections through social media to drive traffic to your site. Here's how:

Offer high value content.

If there's one thing you have that will find high acceptance in the social media, it's content. If you can produce good content; the kind that people actually read from the first word to the last, the kind that gets passed on from one person to the next and talked about, you'll find a good audience waiting for you in social media.

High value content is highly sought after in social media networks and elsewhere on the internet. After all, content is what makes the internet interesting. If you want to drive traffic to your website using social media, be popular with its users by offering them something they can't refuse.

Make content usable.

Aside from creating original and high value content, you also need to provide your target audience with a way to find it. Your content is more likely to be noticed and read if it's organized and can be located quickly. Make sure your articles are easy to use and are optimized so anyone looking for topics related to your write-up will find them easily.

Increase your presence.

Were you a hit with one write-up? Did you cause a sensation with your previous submission, driving massive traffic to your website in the process? Don't just stop there.

Consistently and frequently update your submissions to social media networks. You want to make sure that people remember you not for that one great write-up you produced but for being a reliable source of excellent content.

That way, each time you submit an article, it can ride on the buzz you have already created for yourself. Once you're a recognizable name in social media, your target audience will gladly follow your link back to your website. They'll even find you on their own.

Promote your content and your website.

Don't be shy about promoting yourself. Each time you have a new write-up or significant changes in your website, inform your target audience through e-mail. Mention the same in your podcasts and other articles you might submit to a directory.
Make sure you let people know who you are and what you have to offer. However, make sure you don't overdo it. Promoting your write-up or website too aggressively in social media networks might make you look too desperate. People are also more likely to be suspicious of your intentions if you sell yourself too hard.

Encourage interaction.

Sure, people like the anonymity the internet provides but they can't help but communicate with other people they find online. That's why you should provide them with a means to use your website or write-up to air their views. Allow interaction such as comments, polls, surveys and feedback forms.

Using social media to drive traffic to a website is not exactly an easy task. In fact, it can often become labor intensive. However, if it's done well, it can be a very effective and inexpensive method to increase awareness for a website. Try to explore what you can contribute to social media and take advantage of this great source for traffic.

Wanna People to Learn about Your Web? Consider the Use of E-mail Lists

E-mail list is the most popular name for an electronic mailing list (also

called an e-list by others). There are so many ways to drive a potential

market to your website and setting up an e-mail list is one of them. But

among the known tools in luring people to websites, this is definitely one

of the most effective. And why is this so?

E-list is a unique way of using e-mails to cascade information among many

users of the internet. Think of the regular mailing list, it is very

similar to the modern e-list. It is a list that is being kept by the

company wherein there are addresses and names of individuals. This list is

used by the company to send out letters and electronic mails.

Usually, there is software that is being used to set up an e-mail list.

Along with a reflector, it can send out information or ads to several e-

mails all at once. You also have the option of just sending one message.

There are several types of e-mail lists: the announcement list is a one-

way medium of several information. A selected few is able to post into

this type of e-mail list. A discussion list, on the other hand, allows any

subscriber to post.

A single subscriber can send out a message to several others by posting

and they, in return, can do the same thing. With this second method, an

exchange of ideas and information can be done more rapidly and,

eventually, more effectively.

Back in the 90's, free e-lists were offered by several sites. Most of

them, however, were not able to keep up with the times and have long been

gone. There are popular sites that still provide this type of service for

free (such as Yahoo).

And when you do consider to finally utilize this means to attract

potential clients, it is wise to know how to layout an e-list the most

important thing to remember is to prioritize the names of those that are

most probable to become your clients.

E-list is also an effective way to inform several people at once about

freebies (to lure them), new items, special offers, or even just simple

interaction. A good e-list should not bombard customers with hordes of e-

mails; it should clearly state the purpose each and every time; and it

allows customers to opt out whenever they want to.

Among the many options of tempting customers, having an e-list is

definitely a must-have. It has been proven and it continues to prove that

it is a highly efficient tool. Don't be left behind!

Use Joint Ventures to Skyrocket the Traffic on Your Website

How to attract probable clients to your site? One of the best possible means to attract probable clients to your site is by joint ventures. It is one of the fastest ways to hook up with your target market and also the most lucrative. Just what, exactly, is a joint venture?

A joint venture is an alliance between two involved parties. This alliance forges strategies in marketing that would make both parties benefit in the long run. With this, you can also utilize existing business relationships with your partner company, and vice versa. This cements more business deals (and more money) for both parties.

Being in a joint venture means that you have to take care of your partners assets as much as he takes care of yours. You promote the products or services that are being offered by the other party, and they do the same to you. This type of set up is ideal when there is a specific market that you want to target.

Existing companies that are already doing business with your target market are the best companies that you could create a joint venture with. And the good thing with doing all this? You get to do business not only with your allies but also your competitors!

Aside from higher profits, you can greatly benefit from joint ventures as your base of customers grows in number. It is normal for joint ventures to have hundreds of new subscribers the moment they settle with the deal. Another good thing about this is you get the same credibility that the other party has established. Since the other party is endorsing your site, it is probable that their clients would bestow you with the same trust that they give your partner.

The best way to decide on which company to trust your site with, it's wise to look around. Which companies offer the same product or service as you do? It doesn't have to be entirely similar (for example, a site that offers computer software can set up a joint venture with a company that sells computer hardware in retail). With this set up, both parties end up happy.

Being in a joint venture also allows you to co-develop whatever you're offering. You might be really good in marketing but your partner might be better in the creation of business ideas that would keep both of you alive longer, in the business sense of the word.

In all aspects of life, it has been proven that no man is an island. This is also true with marketing your website. As long as you have someone to fall back on, everything will be alright.

The Five Free Methods of Driving Traffic to Your Website

For people involved in internet marketing, traffic is the most important thing webmasters must remember in order for them to be successful with the websites they build. Without traffic, you cannot generate any clicks on your ads, acquire sales for your products, attain e-mail subscribers or any other thing that you would like to accomplish with your websites help. It shall always be the amount of traffic and a continuance of a stable flow of traffic that decides the success of your website. Driving traffic to your website does not necessarily mean you have to spend a dime. There are a lot of free methods you can use to drive traffic to your website.

The five free methods

The five methods listed here are really excellent and proven to achieve the closest results you wish and can always be applied directly. Unlike purchasing your own advertising, these methods are free but of course, they require the most of your attention and hard work.

1. Make sure your website is optimized for search engines as far as possible. Any traffic you achieve from search engines is always free. To have your website optimized, ensure that the website contains articles with a lot of keywords. When you write articles for your website, about 400-900 words, you can generate a lot of visits more often. Be sure to include catchy titles to entice visitors to read them.

However, this may not likely generate the traffic you have always wanted, this could be your first step in making your website successful. In addition, you could always submit all your articles to article directories and contact publishers if they wish to use your articles on either their mailing list or website. Have your articles contain heavy keywords so that they may also appear on top of most search engine results.

2. Join link exchange programs. Nowadays, there are a lot of webmasters who invite other webmasters to take part in link exchange programs. When someone's website is linked to yours, you'll have the chance of being visited by people who visit those websites. To do this, you can look out for websites that are similarly related to yours and allow the owners of these websites to exchange links. Make use of an anchor text for the link as it will aid your search engine rankings.

3. Allow joint ventures. Joint ventures could be very powerful if done in the right way. Give your partners some really good reasons why they should promote your site. By providing them with the right promotional tools such as e-mails, signatures, articles, etc., he/she would no doubt accept your request. To ensure that your website gets better results, look for website owners that have the capability of sending a lot of traffic to you.

4. Join online groups, forums, etc. that could help you with promoting your website. For example, you may post your sites URL in your signature file for the users to see. So you can be a known member by the discussion groups you join, simply participate in discussions that interest you and contribute your knowledge and expertise to the rest of the members.

5. Get a free blog. Blogging is another free method that generates traffic to your website. Post some high-quality information regularly and don't forget to ping all your posts as it can help in driving traffic to your website.

Knowing Steps On How To Increase The Page views Of Your Site

As you see, if you build a site, it can only be successful if you have generated substantial traffic for it. The success of a website is usually measured with the number of page views it get each day. Page views come from unique visitors that come across your site to check out something. Traffic is the bloodline of any site. Because it is from traffic they earn. Traffic provides them with the income from sales or from advertisements.

To increase the page view of your site, just follow these simple steps:

1. Provide quality, pertinent, and unique content to your site.

People over the internet need information more than anything. They surf the world wide web because they are looking for something. And if that information comes from your site, they are more than willing to check it out. For years now, it has been said that content is king. And if your site is a good source of reliable data, then people will just keep on pouring in. Your page views will dramatically increase with the content you have.

2. Keep it short and simple.

People don't want to read too much or too little. Just provide the necessary information to them fast and easy. Over the internet, people have short attention spans. Don't expect them to read a very long article containing thousands of words. People are more likely to scan the article but they definitely won't read it all word for word. Unless of course, the content you have is of good substance they can't help but read everything.

3. Use proper highlighting and formatting.

The way your website or your content is presented to your audience is very important. If your website is too drab, then people might think that they won't find the information they are looking for there. Don't let your visitors think that way. Increase the page view of your site by highlighting all the important words, sentences, or ideas you would like to impart. Highlights and formats don't fail to catch a person's attention.

So if your site is well presented, your visitors won't walk away disappointed. In fact, they'll so happy about your site they are willing to comment on your posts, subscribe to it, or even refer your site to other friends who may be interested.

4. Put article excerpts on your main page.

Surely, you have several other pages in your website. You will increase page views to them like your main page is getting if you put excerpts or links to them from your main page. You can also make a site map for your site so that it becomes easier for people to navigate your site and find the things they want fast and easy. Surfers don't like cluttered web pages. They do not like to stay on websites with broken links and those that are still under construction. If you want your website to succeed, you have to organize it well.

These are the four important steps you should follow to ensure that your website gets the necessary page views that it deserves. Keep in mind that page view translates to visitors, which eventually translates to income. Make your site highly successful as you would like it to be. Increase its number of page views today!

Should You Pay To Get Traffic Flowing To Your Site?

If you are hoping to get traffic to your website, you might be tempted to go the way that many Internet marketers are taking. Many Internet marketers are willing to risk all their money in order to ensure that they get some traffic into their websites.

They often spend thousands of dollars in order to buy email lists in order to send out promotional emails, and they spend even more in order to carry out offline marketing methods. Granted, offline marketing methods can help out in your marketing work and can often make your marketing efforts less uncertain. However, with the thousands of billboards already out there, why add to the clutter and spend money doing so?

So Will You Show the Money?

In my opinion, if you have the funds and you are just a young company that has yet to gain exposure from its products and services, then you are better off spending money on improving your products and services and surveying your market, instead of spending large amounts of money on offline marketing, or even online marketing techniques that are very hard selling, or that are more expensive than the features that your online marketing techniques will offer.

In fact, by investing more money in your products and service, you will end up pushing traffic to your website faster, and building your web presence. If you can build up your web presence first and get a good reputation, then you can go on and have some fun with more costly methods. This makes sense, actually, because by then, you will have enough money from your sales in order to spend more on your marketing and widening your audience scope.

What does this mean? This means that you should make the look of your online store better tailored to the needs and tastes of your market. What does this entail? You need to design your website so that it is easy to navigate: make your menus easy to read through, your navigation scheme easy to understand, and your design intuitive.

Make the site easy for your visitors to wade through and read, and make the site attractive so that your visitors will not have a hard time looking at it. Most importantly, update your site frequently, so that your websites will have something new to read each time that they visit.

What should you update your website with? Aside from news and updates about your products and services, try helping your prospective customers out with their lives by providing articles that can help them understand different concepts related to your products and services, or tips lists that can help them get through difficult techniques that they might encounter in the future.

If you build customer relationships early, you increase your chances of touching your customers lives early and getting them to trust you if ever you recommend any product or even sell your own products and/or services.

These are only a few tips that you might want to take into account as you analyze your marketing tactics. As long as you take care of your customers, you won't have a hard time making a profit. And as you take care of your customers, you can find them helping you and referring you to their family and friends, making them the voice of free marketing itself.

As for me, I'm definitely going to pay to increase the conversion of traffic.